We welcome acknowledgement of the Foundation’s support. To make this easy, below you can download logos, find a description of the Foundation for media releases, and learn how to obtain quotes and comments for publicity purposes.

Sally Capp and Craig Connelly in front of Melbourne Town Hall
City of Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp and former IPF CEO Craig Connelly promote the Make Room project.

The Foundation encourages communication and publicity that will improve the outcomes and effectiveness of your project. 

There are many reasons why you may wish to announce a new grant or successfully completed project through the media:

  • to help leverage additional support from donors or government
  • to recruit volunteers
  • to announce a new service, discovery, research-finding or other innovation, or
  • a 'reason to talk' and raise your organisation’s profile/build credibility.

Use of logos

Please use the logo in its original full-colour form on a white background whenever possible. 

IPF logo


Acknowledgement of the Foundation

If you would like to include a description of the Foundation in a press release, we suggest using the following paragraph:

About The Ian Potter Foundation
The Ian Potter Foundation is one of Australia’s major philanthropic foundations. The Foundation makes grants nationally to support charitable organisations working to benefit the community across a wide range of sectors including the arts, medical research, public health research, early childhood development, community wellbeing and environmental science. The Ian Potter Foundation aims to support and promote a fair, healthy, sustainable and vibrant Australia.


Referring to The Ian Potter Foundation

When mentioning The Ian Potter Foundation by its full name, please capitalise 'The'.

Quotes and comments

We are happy to support your publicity outreach with a quote or comment regarding your grant and/or your project. If you would like to include a quote from the Foundation, please contact the Communications team.

We request one week's notice to prepare a quote from our CEOs or Program Managers. Please include a draft of the release/announcement with your request. 

For more information please contact our Communications team via the contact form selecting Communications as the email subject or on 03 9650 3188.