All the Foundation's grants are subject to a set of universal standard grant conditions.

  1. The Grantee must use the whole of the grant exclusively for the project as described in the application for the grant ("the Project") and not for any other purpose without the prior agreement of the Foundation.
  2. If the Project is not completed by the end date specified on the application (“the Completion Date”) or any extension of the Completion Date approved in writing by the Foundation, no part of the Grant may be paid out or otherwise used after the Completion Date without the approval in writing of the Foundation.
  3. The Grantee must promptly advise the Foundation of any material change that may affect the Grantee’s ability to undertake or complete the Project within the specified period.
  4. The Grantee will expend the Grant only within Australia and, where specified in the application, within the particular State or Territory.
  5. The Grantee must confirm to the Foundation that they have received the grant funds. To do so, access GivingData and complete and submit an online receipt requirement by the date specified by the Foundation. 
  6. The Grantee must keep detailed financial records to enable the use of grant funds to be checked readily. 
  7. The Grantee must acknowledge the support of the Foundation in any published or display material related to the Project. A digital copy of the Foundation’s logo is available from this website.
  8. The Foundation and Grantee agree that it, and its employees and agents, will not engage in any activities or make any public comments or statements that have the potential to damage the reputation of the other party in any way.
  9. The Grantee must give the Foundation, within such period after the Project is completed as is specified by the Foundation, a financial acquittal and a Final Report. The report will be made available to the Grantee online and it must be provided by the due date specified.
  10. If the project is not completed within 12 months of payment of the grant, or if the grant is payable by separate payments, within 12 months of the first payment, the Grantee must submit an online Progress Report to the Foundation, unless otherwise agreed by the Foundation.
  11. The Grantee must ensure that all rights, consents, licences and permissions have been obtained prior to submitting images. Images sent to the Foundation should include captions, names of any people pictured and any acknowledgements required. The provision of information and images will be taken as permission to reproduce and publish.
  12. These Standard Grant Conditions apply subject to such variations, deletions and additional conditions as may be stipulated by the Foundation to the Grantee at or before payment of the grant, or, if the grant is payable by instalments, at or before payment of the first instalment of the grant payment. By accepting payment of the grant or instalment (as the case may be), the Grantee acknowledges that such variations, deletions and additional conditions apply to the grant.

NOTE:  Failure to meet the Grant Conditions may impact any future payments being made under a grant. It will also be taken into consideration if any future applications are submitted to the Foundation.